second opinion

Take Experts with a Grain of Salt

While intending no disrespect to experts like doctors, lawyers, etc. who spent years in school and in practice to learn their craft, I have learned to take what they say under advisement, but not as the final word. Experts are only human and they may sometimes have gaps in their knowledge, or just make a mistake, like all of us do.

For instance, for many years I’ve had strange semi-clear goopy things floating around in my eyes. Sometimes they get in the way of seeing things when doing close work. These are not the black, stringy floaters I’ve had for decades, those I just look past. These actually block my view as they drift across my eyes.

Four times in five years I asked eye doctors about it. One of them was an upscale ophthalmologist. None of them could offer an explanation.

Fifth time was the charm. The doctor I was sent to by EyeCareAmerica knew it was vitreous separation. Bits of the goop that fill the eyeball are separating and drifting in front of my vision. This is harmless (except for blocking my view) 85% of the time. The other 15% it takes the retina with it and that’s when you call the eye doctor.

A friend of mine had distressing symptoms. The doctor did tests and said, You’re fine. She knew she wasn’t fine. She insisted on further testing, and then even more testing. The preliminary tests somehow missed that she had significant blockage of the coronary arteries. Because she insisted, they found it and ordered bypass surgery. If she had accepted the first result, she could have died. And certainly would have continued to have a diminished quality of life.

If what your expert is telling you doesn’t answer your concern or doesn’t make sense, keep asking.

Ask another expert.

Google for more possible avenues to explore.

Get a second and third and in this case fifth opinion.

Thanks to the existence of online discussion boards, you may find ordinary people who have had the same experience and can share their results.